Poison on Your Plate: How the US's Use of Banned Pesticides is Contaminating Our Food 

PLUS: The REVOLUTIONARY Gadget You Need to Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones

Thursday, January 15, 2022 / By Katy Smith

I found the official website here.

A huge problem for anyone who consumes fruit and vegetables is managing chemical exposure from food sources. It can make consuming produce more dangerous, and in some cases, cause serious illness.

I will be completely honest, I never thought of the fact that farmers spray chemicals all over my food. I mean, who thinks that way when you have a colourful bowl of fruits and veggies sitting in front of you?

Personally, I love my fruits and veggies and most of what I eat comes from plants! And although I thought I was healthy, I could never shake this unendearing feeling that I didn’t know where my food truly came from.

And it wasn’t until something went seriously wrong with my health that I realised the seriousness of this problem…

I had been experiencing severe headaches and fatigue for years and couldn’t figure out what was causing it. I went to countless doctors who all told me I had nothing to worry about.

And only after my health went on a SERIOUS decline, did I go to see a specialist doctor. After a series of tests, he discovered that I had been exposing myself to a dangerous amount of contaminants in my food!

He tested everything. Blood, urine, hair samples, you name it, he tested it. The lab results showed that certain markers in my blood were way above the normal levels.

With the results of these tests, the doctor confirmed that my symptoms were caused by my exposure to contaminants, and suggested that my diet was most likely the cause of my health problems.

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me, my mind racing with confusion and disbelief. I had always been careful about what I ate, buying organic fruits and vegetables and cooking my own meals.

It was only then that I realized that this was not just a problem, it was a serious health crisis...

I should have done the basics like check where my food was sourced from - but I didn’t.

The US's Reliance on 85 Dangerous Pesticides: The Truth Revealed

With a heavy heart, I left the doctor's office determined to find out more about this issue. I started researching and digging deeper into the topic of pesticides and their effects on human health.

I was horrified to discover that the United States allows the use of 85 pesticides that are outlawed in other countries. I couldn't understand how this could be allowed, and how I had never heard about this before. I felt like I had been living in a bubble, unaware of the potential dangers lurking in the food I was consuming.

I knew I had to do something to raise awareness about this issue, and I knew that this was a problem that affected not just me, but also my family, friends and the entire population.

From now on, I will always carry one of these.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I set out to spread the message about the dangers of pesticides, and the fact that the United States still allows a HUGE list of pesticides that are BANNED in other countries.

I shared my findings with friends, family and anyone who would listen. I also started looking for a solution. There had to be a way to fix this problem that was affordable and accessible to everyone.

The Dilemma of Traditional Produce Cleaners: Are They Worth the Risk?

As I carried out my research, I came across many sprays that claimed to clean food. I found a few different sprays and ordered them to give them a go. I was excited to try them out and see if they really worked as promised.

The first spray I tried was a popular brand that claimed to remove 99% of pesticides and bacteria. I sprayed it on my fruits and vegetables and washed them off as directed. But as soon as I took a bite, I noticed a strong vinegar taste on my food and a weird odor.

I was massively disappointed. My vegetables were now inedible, and the smell was lingering in my kitchen! I knew I had to find a better solution.

The next day I tried another brand of spray, but it had the same result. It left a vinegar taste on my food and an unpleasant smell. It was clear that the sprays were not working as advertised. I was not only disappointed but also concerned about the safety of these sprays, as I was not sure if the vinegar taste was normal or not!

I decided to do more research and discovered that many traditional produce cleaners are often ineffective and could actually be doing harm!

Many commonly used sprays and solutions were never designed to remove the types of contaminants found on fruits and vegetables today.

For instance, many produce cleaners rely on Triclosan which is a known endocrine disruptor, meaning it can interfere with the body's hormone levels. Triclosan has also shown to be ineffective against pesticides, E. coli, and other common foodborne pathogens.

Plus, even the FDA doesn’t recommend any of the produce washes you can find on the market today!

A breath of fresh air: My journey to finding AquaPure

As I dove deeper into the world of pesticides and their impact on my food and health, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness.

I was constantly on the lookout for anything that could help, and that's when I stumbled upon AquaPure…

This device is a fruit and vegetable purifier that uses a cleaning method called electrolysis to remove pesticides, bacteria, and other contaminants from food.

I was intrigued yet skeptical. How could a device do this? And what is electrolysis?

I decided to order it and give it a go. To my surprise, the device worked wonderfully! I read the instructions and placed the device in a bowl of water with my fruits, added a pinch of salt and I could actually see the dirt being removed!

It was a game changer, not only did it remove pesticides from my food, but there was no aftertaste whatsoever!

So How Does it Work?

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that electrolysis is a well-established cleaning process that has been around for over 200 years!

It allows an electrical current to flow through water and produce a chemical change.

This technology has been used commercially for decades but with a hefty price tag, up to tens of thousands of dollars. All until the AquaPure was made…

AquaPure for the first time ever, managed to fit this technology in a small portable device that is powerful enough to break the molecular bonds of harmful pesticides and bacteria, all with 2 simple household ingredients...

Water and salt.

By doing this, the AquaPure is able to clean fresh produce WITHOUT stripping away vital nutrients, leaving food tasting amazing and natural.

A new beginning: How Aquapure helped me to achieve a healthier lifestyle

As I continued to use the AquaPure, I noticed some changes in my health. I had been suffering from a number of health problems such as headaches, fatigue, and digestive issues. But after consistently using the AquaPure, I noticed that these symptoms started to disappear. I was feeling more energized and my digestion improved significantly.

I also started to pay more attention to the food I was consuming and the source of it. I made a conscious effort to buy produce from farmers who use organic and natural methods of farming. I was finally able to enjoy my fruits and vegetables without worrying about the pesticides and other contaminants.

I was thrilled that the AquaPure was not only helping me to have access to clean and safe produce but also to improve my overall health. I had finally found a solution to a problem that I had been struggling with for years. The AquaPure has truly been a lifesaver for me.

Plus, it is so easy to use. It takes just 5 minutes and the device is small and portable! There is no big machinery required and no plastic bottles wasted. It seemed impossible to think this little device was scientifically proven to remove pesticides AND bacteria with no harsh chemicals.

This is where I bought it online.

It Took Just a Few Minutes to Eliminate All Bacteria

After suffering from health problems my whole life, I FINALLY started feeling like myself again and I was so thankful.

I quickly ordered one for each of my family members and they all loved it! Now we all have one in our kitchens and not a day goes by where we don’t use it in our cooking.

So, I imagine you are curious about…

What Is AquaPure?

Visit the official website

The AquaPure is a compact, rechargeable and portable purifier that is so easy-to-use.

The AquaPure is able to -

  • Naturally eliminate up to 99% of pesticides & bacteria

  • Clean your produce using absolutely NO harsh chemicals

  • Provide the benefits of expensive permaculture grown produce without the cost (money back in your pocket)

  • Enhance the taste of your fruits & veggies (taste them as nature intended)

  • Reduce oxidative stress on your body (sleep, feel and live better!)

So easy to use…

Step 1 -

Use the included micro USB cable to charge your AquaPure. The LED indicator will stop blinking when the unit is fully charged.

Step 2 -

Press the button on the side of the device, add a pinch of salt and submerge it in water with your fruits and veggies for 5 minutes.

Step 3 -

Give your fruits and veggies a quick rinse under the tap before enjoying your clean, safe and delicious produce!

Now, you’re probably wondering…

That’s Great, What Does It Cost?

TheAquaPure has saved me thousands in grocery and medical bills.

It normally retails for $199. When compared to the cost of other produce cleaners which constantly need topping up… it truly is a no-brainer! Not to mention, it is so inconvenient to research where ALL your food is coming from.

UPDATE: As of today, the AquaPure is 60% OFF. The sale price is only $79.00 with FREE SHIPPING.

The time, money and stress the AquaPure alleviates is well worth it. Having an easy way to clean your produce solves one of the biggest problems we are facing in today’s world.

It is perfect for preparing any type of recipe and you never have to worry about harmful bacteria lurking in your food again.

$79.00 is a great deal knowing these problems are solved FOR GOOD.


Claim 60% Discount on AquaPure

The AquaPure is in high demand and this special discount expires soon. Click to check available stock. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.


1. Triclosan technical fact sheet (2014). Available at: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Departments-and-Agencies/DPH/dph/environmental_health/eoha/pdf/TriclosantechFSpdf.pdf (Accessed: January 3, 2023). 

2. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (no date) Selecting and serving produce safely, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA. Available at: https://www.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/selecting-and-serving-produce-safely (Accessed: January 3, 2023). 

3. Center for Biological Diversity (2019) New study: United States uses 85 pesticides outlawed in other countries, Center for Biological Diversity. Center for Biological Diversity. Available at: https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/united-states-uses-85-pesticides-outlawed-in-other-countries-2019-06-06/ (Accessed: January 3, 2023).

4. Donley, N. (2019) The USA lags behind other agricultural nations in banning harmful pesticides - environmental health, BioMed Central. BioMed Central. Available at: https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-019-0488-0 (Accessed: January 3, 2023). 

5. Lopes-Ferreira, M. et al. (2022) Impact of pesticides on human health in the last six years in Brazil, International journal of environmental research and public health. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8951416/ (Accessed: January 3, 2023). 

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What Others Are Saying

"It's an amazing product!

So easy to use and so easy to clean. I feel better and I think my skin looks better, and my husband says I have this healthy glow!"

Gayle G.

"Aquapure brought a different aspect on how I clean my fruit. I actually only use AquaPure now to clean my produce. They taste cleaner, taste fresher and I can see and taste the difference."

Veronica L.

"It's an amazing product!

So easy to use and so easy to clean. I feel better and I think my skin looks better, and my husband says I have this healthy glow!"

Gayle G.

"Aquapure brought a different aspect on how I clean my fruit. I actually only use AquaPure now to clean my produce. They taste cleaner, taste fresher and I can see and taste the difference."

Veronica L.

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